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Leveraging tax transparency

Universal health care. Free childcare. Free education. These are what our taxes contribute to in Australia. Despite this, the issue of tax is highly politicised and often used to attack progressive

COVID-19 crisis: Myanmar’s garment workers at greater risk of domestic violence

ActionAid is warning of the dire situation facing garment workers in Myanmar as the UN finds that nearly half the world’s workers are at risk of losing their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic


Youth Community of Interest (YCOI)

This page is about ActionAid's Youth Community of Interest project which seeks to facilitate and connect youth activists.

Fleeing the climate crisis: Ali

After flooding and drought tore through the Badghis province in north-western Afghanistan Ali Mohammad lost everything. His son and two daughters were killed in the floods and all his belongings and

Fleeing the climate crisis: Maleka

Due to the floods Maleka had to leave her family home at the age of 16. For the past four years she has been working as a housekeeper in Dhaka. Those moving to Dhaka find work in the informal sector

Climate migrants pushed to the brink

This policy brief delves into some of these aspects and presents the initial findings of research on climate change-induced migration internally in three countries in South Asia — Afghanistan

COVID-19 crisis shows South Asia is unprepared to protect climate migrants

New ActionAid led research finds that as more people than ever are forced to flee extreme weather disasters, South Asia is unprepared to protect climate migrants, as the COVID-19 crisis deepens

Trade deal negotiations must be paused during the Covid-19 crisis

ActionAid and hundreds of other organisations have called for trade deal talks to be suspended during the Covid-19 crisis. This post explores why.

Right to Food, Farmers’ Rights & COVID-19

This ActionAid International policy document has been developed to help identify the impacts of the COVID–19 pandemic and responses by governments and intergovernmental agencies on different food


Covid-19 “could spread like wildfire” in Cox’s Bazar Rohingya refugee camp

Farah Kabir, Country Director at ActionAid Bangladesh, is available for interviews about the risk to Cox’s Bazar Rohingya refugee camp following two confirmed cases of Covid-19.