Meals per Gallon: The impact of industrial biofuels on people and global hunger
Industrial biofuels – fuels made on an industrial scale from agricultural crops – have been put forward as an answer to energy security, climate change and rural development. ActionAid believes they

Fertile Ground: How governments and donors can halve hunger by supporting small farmers
Empowering local farmers to produce more food for local markets is the bedrock of global food security. Small farmers, the majority of whom are women, are responsible for 90 per cent of the food grown

Driving to Destruction
This study analyses the likely impacts on land use and greenhouse gas emissions of biofuel use by 2020 in 23 EU member states. The analysis includes evidence on size and impacts of ‘indirect land use

Spotlight on EU Policy Coherence for Development
Addicted to tax havens: The secret life of the FTSE 100
The full extent to which FTSE 100 companies use tax havens has, for the first time, been compiled, analysed and published in an accessible and searchable format by ActionAid.

Spotlight on EU Policy Coherence for Development
This report uncovers some of the policy incoherencies between EU policies and development objectives.As stipulated in the Lisbon Treaty, the EU is committed to eradicate poverty in developing

Who's Really Fighting Hunger?
Why the world is going backwards on the UN goal to halve hunger and what can be done.The 2010 HungerFREE scorecard shows that there are some simple steps that would make it both possible and

Time to face the facts
Biofuels have been put forward as a way to reduce carbon emissions and tackle climate change. ActionAid believes they will not serve as the solution to either of these challenges.

EEAS one year on: “Work in progress” for poverty eradication
There are some positive news stories to tell in relation to the EU’s progress on fighting poverty over the last year. In 2010, the Lisbon Treaty put in place a much strengthened legal basis for

The bad business of biofuels
According to new research, European taxpayers and consumers will pay a high price for the biofuels being added to transportfuelsthroughout the EU.