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We mean business: protecting women’s rights in global supply chains

This free to download report examines the position of women in global supply chains, particularly in agriculture, and outlines ways in which they must be protected.

A photo of Mary, a farmer in western Kenya

Trade deal negotiations must be paused during the Covid-19 crisis

ActionAid and hundreds of other organisations have called for trade deal talks to be suspended during the Covid-19 crisis. This post explores why.

A woman farmer harvesting crops in a field

Our future is in respect for natural ecosystems

This ActionAid opinion piece examines how agroecology may help to prevent further pandemics

Facilitators and Farmers outside an ActionAid agroecology school in Bangladesh

Extractive Sector Taxation

This progressive tax policy briefing explores how countries can optimize revenues from mining, oil and gas resources, and curb potential revenue loss from extractive industries.

A traditional gold mining site in Senegal

Villagers in Zambia win right to take legal action against mining giant Vedanta in the UK

After more than a decade fighting for compensation, villagers in Chingola have won the right to pursue justice against the mining conglomerate Vedanta in the English courts, after a landmark ruling by

The Konkola Copper Mines, Chingola

Time for a complete U-turn on natural resource management

Across the globe, we are witnessing unprecedented and often violent scrambles for natural resources. Environmental activists and land rights defenders are increasingly under attack. Few of these

Margarita represents the case of communities affected by the contamination of La Pasión River in Guatemala.

Criminalisation confronted

The historic victory of 26th April, when Abelino Chub Caal was acquitted of all the malicious charges brought against him, has highlighted the ongoing struggle for indigenous rights in Guatemala.

Illustration of Abelino Chub Caal

The threat to the community of Vhimba

Residents in in Chikware and Mapombere villages in Zimbabwe were threatened with a 72 hours eviction notice by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. Due to rapid intervention this

Preparing the banana crop for sale, that the community depends on

How Shell is devastating the Niger Delta

As Shell faces climate charges in Dutch court, activists in the Niger Delta speak out about the fossil fuel giant’s devastating impact on their communities.

 Gas flares in the Niger Delta

"Shell is threatening all our rights" - Oil giant’s human rights record on trial

ActionAid is one of seven environmental and human rights organisations, led by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, taking legal action against Shell to demand it reduces its emissions in line with

Children use a boat to navigate around their flooded community.