CSOs open letter to European Commission on the Farm to Fork strategy to achieve sustainable food systems
ActionAid and other civil society organisations has written to the European Commission about the 'Farm to Fork' food strategy. The letter and accompanying papers can be read on this page.
Less and better meat, dairy and eggs in the Farm to Fork Strategy
This joint letter on food sustainability was sent to EU Commissioners by a number of NGOs on 25 February 2020.
We mean business: protecting women’s rights in global supply chains
This free to download report examines the position of women in global supply chains, particularly in agriculture, and outlines ways in which they must be protected.

Respecting, protecting, fulfilling the right to food in times of Covid-19
This post by Ruchi Tripathi, head of resilient livelihoods and climate justice, ActionAid International, looks at the systemic failures of the international economic system in relation to food
Fleeing the climate crisis: Ali
After flooding and drought tore through the Badghis province in north-western Afghanistan Ali Mohammad lost everything. His son and two daughters were killed in the floods and all his belongings and

Trade deal negotiations must be paused during the Covid-19 crisis
ActionAid and hundreds of other organisations have called for trade deal talks to be suspended during the Covid-19 crisis. This post explores why.

Right to Food, Farmers’ Rights & COVID-19
This ActionAid International policy document has been developed to help identify the impacts of the COVID–19 pandemic and responses by governments and intergovernmental agencies on different food

Our future is in respect for natural ecosystems
This ActionAid opinion piece examines how agroecology may help to prevent further pandemics
ActionAid provides food support to Cyclone Amphan survivors
ActionAid’s emergency teams are supporting communities as they face the devastation caused by Cyclone Amphan, amid the rising threat of Covid-19. Women leaders and young volunteers, trained by

"Garment workers don’t care about catching Covid-19, their main worry is that they will starve"
Phyo leads ActionAid Myanmar’s work supporting garment workers affected by the coronavirus crisis. Here she explains why the pandemic is leaving informal workers without any means to support their