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ActionAid's feminist research guidelines

This guidance note aims to support ActionAid staff and partners and those interested in how ActionAid does, or commissions, feminist research. It accompanies our ActionAid Research Signature and

Private education and compliance with the Abidjan Principles

This ActionAid publication looks at private education and compliance with the Abidjan Principles. The report focuses on Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Nigeria.

Photo shows happy schoolchildren in uniform

How privatisation is undermining progress towards inclusive, equitable and quality education by 2030

This ActionAid opinion piece looks at how privatisation is undermining progress towards inclusive, equitable and quality education by 2030 across Africa.

Guide on how to run skillshares within humanitarian projects

ActionAid Denmark has produced a new guide on how organisations can use skillshares as part of projects working with humanitarian projects. The guide is free to download on this page. It was funded

New report brings together good practice examples in women’s leadership in humanitarian work

ActionAid International Kenya and ActionAid Denmark have produced a new report highlighting inspirational practises in involving women in humanitarian responses, pulling together examples from across

Financing education

This page outlines the way that ActionAid works to finance education around the world.

People protesting for education funding

ActionAid discussion paper on the EU carbon border adjustment

This ActionAid discussion paper seeks to analyse the possible consequences or benefits for developing countries of a carbon border adjustment (CBA) that would be levied on goods imported from outside

A photo of land impacted by climate change

Young people might be more resilient to the virus, but not to its impacts

This blog examines the challenges that young people face around the world, from Covid-19 to homelessness and lack of employment

Young activists in Liberia

Respecting, protecting, fulfilling the right to food in times of Covid-19

This post by Ruchi Tripathi, head of resilient livelihoods and climate justice, ActionAid International, looks at the systemic failures of the international economic system in relation to food

A woman farmer in Brazil

Who Cares for the Future: finance gender responsive public services!

Who cares for the future: finance gender responsive public services! is a landmark report produced by ActionAid looking at the links between financing public services that meet the needs of women and

A nurse tending to patients in a health centre