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ActionAid's feminist research guidelines

This guidance note aims to support ActionAid staff and partners and those interested in how ActionAid does, or commissions, feminist research. It accompanies our ActionAid Research Signature and

We mean business: protecting women’s rights in global supply chains

This free to download report examines the position of women in global supply chains, particularly in agriculture, and outlines ways in which they must be protected.

A photo of Mary, a farmer in western Kenya

Who Cares for the Future: finance gender responsive public services!

Who cares for the future: finance gender responsive public services! is a landmark report produced by ActionAid looking at the links between financing public services that meet the needs of women and

A nurse tending to patients in a health centre

COVID-19 crisis: Myanmar’s garment workers at greater risk of domestic violence

ActionAid is warning of the dire situation facing garment workers in Myanmar as the UN finds that nearly half the world’s workers are at risk of losing their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic

women sewing in Myanmar

"Garment workers don’t care about catching Covid-19, their main worry is that they will starve"

Phyo leads ActionAid Myanmar’s work supporting garment workers affected by the coronavirus crisis. Here she explains why the pandemic is leaving informal workers without any means to support their

a woman using a sewing machine

Covid-19: A women-led response

ActionAid research shows how lockdowns and coronavirus restrictions have unleashed a shocking surge in gender-based violence globally.

But while violence is rising, women’s shelters are being shut

A woman responder wearing a protective face mask

International Labour Organisation C190 - anniversary webinar

To mark the one year anniversary of the adoption of ILO Convention 190: Violence and Harassment Convention, a webinar entitled "The World of Work is Changing! Why ILO C190 Matters More Than Ever" was

Poster advertising the webinar

Don’t cut women’s lifelines, warns ActionAid

A new report by ActionAid shows that gender-based violence (GBV) is skyrocketing during the Covid-19 pandemic. Published in June 2020.

Women collecting Covid-19 relief packages

Stuck in limbo: The Rohingya Refugee Crisis, three years on

Heavy monsoon rains are pounding the Rohingya refugee camps at Cox’s Bazar, flooding the crowded settlement and destroying makeshift homes. It is yet another hardship testing the resilience of

ActionAid Bangladesh staff at Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

Has gender equality been put into lockdown?

Covid-19 has altered the lives of women and men worldwide. In lockdown, we became teachers, nurses, cooks and caregivers, all at the same time. This has not only affected parents and adults, but young

Tamanna is helping her younger sister with her studies