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ActionAid launches first Anti-Modern Slavery Campaign, #HERSTORY

To mark the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery this year, ActionAid International launches #HerStory, an anti-modern slavery campaign to raise awareness of the prevalence of modern slavery


Employment is only fair when the work is decent  

Domestic work is the backbone of many societies. Cleaning, housekeeping, looking after the sick and elderly, cooking and childminding are a few of the many personal roles domestic workers perform

Zinet, Mulu, and Shibash (left to right) Combatting modern slavery project

World Day Against Child Labour: How ActionAid is Fighting Back on Child Labour

In 2020, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimated that approximately 160 million children worldwide were trapped in child labour with 79 million of these performing hazardous forms of

Mehuba is a return migrant worker from the Middle East and child labour survivor

What's #HerStory?

From an early age, Mehuba, from Ethiopia, was forced to work by her father. Today, she is a successful business owner and creates jobs for other women. Mehuba's story clearly illustrates the drivers

Mehuba, Migrant Worker, Child Labour Survivor, Combatting Modern Slavery Project.

Fighting for justice in the workplace

On the fourth anniversary of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (ILO C190), we are spotlighting ActionAid's incredible campaigning and fight for a world free from violence and harassment in


Nigerians trafficked to Ghana and forced to work as cyber-criminals for ruthless gangs

In 2022, the International Labour Organisation revealed that 50m people worldwide were trapped in forms of modern slavery. An increase of almost 10m since 2017.[i] 


What’s #HerStory

My name is Ruby. I am 37 years old, Nigerian. I am a fashion designer and came to Ghana to be a seamstress. I got married when I was 16 years old. I have three children under 10 and was forced to
