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Southern Africa food and climate crisis

More than nine million people in Southern Africa are facing severe food shortages.

Zimbabwe is experiencing its worst hunger crisis in more than a decade.
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Families receive life-saving food supplies in drought-hit Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is experiencing its worst hunger crisis in more than a decade, with 3.6 million people suffering from severe food shortages.

Nelia Bvuma shows her skin condition
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Refugees in Europe: Not a single human life should be at risk

ActionAid Greece has called for an immediate halt to violence related to the refugee crisis at the Greece-Turkey border. You can read their statement here.

A photo of some child refugees in a camp in Lesvos, Greece
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Cyclone Idai one year on

One year after Cyclone Idai devastated Mozambique, survivors are still living in makeshift shelters and are now facing an escalating food and climate crisis. Recent flooding affecting more than 70,000

Women working through flooded path
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Our response to the Covid-19 pandemic

Our local teams have already reached  25 million people across 40 countries, but this crisis is far from over.

Women from Tungan Nasara community carry their relief packages as they prepare to return to their home
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ActionAid signs open letter on the right to asylum

This open letter, signed by more than 121 organisations, calls on various international bodies to reaffirm the rights or refugees and asylum seekers.

A boy stands alone in Schisto refugee camp, Greece

Young people might be more resilient to the virus, but not to its impacts

This blog examines the challenges that young people face around the world, from Covid-19 to homelessness and lack of employment

Young activists in Liberia
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Global South Action Plan: Protecting lives and livelihoods from COVID-19

ActionAid has created a plan which outlines how immediate healthcare funding for low-income countries can come from a one-time aid boost.

A woman washing her hands

ActionAid responds to IMF debt relief announcement

ActionAid responds to the IMF debt relief announcement of immediate debt relief for 25 countries.

A close up of a woman counting money
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ActionAid's Beirut Blast response plan

Emergency response appeals will fund crucial and life-saving work to house and protect women and girls.

ActionAid's emergency response in Beirut