ActionAid demands #ClimateJusticeNow

“The dirty fossil fuel party is over, now we have to clean up the mess. Whoever caused the biggest mess has the most responsibility.” Harjeet Singh, ActionAid’s global lead on climate change.
Young people and women in the Global South, who have the least responsibility for climate change, are already living with its impacts. More people are going hungry as droughts, floods and sea level rise are destroying farmland and fishing stocks. Young people are migrating to urban areas, or fleeing overseas, because they see little future for themselves. Girls are missing school as they are forced to walk further and further to find water. Their voices must be heard in global demands for climate justice.
Latest news
We’ll be releasing press statements, op eds and blogs in response to major climate-related events, such as the upcoming UN Climate Conference (COP25) in Madrid (2-13 December).

18 December
We've just published a new report - Principles for a just transition in agriculture.

15 December
COP25: UN climate talks ‘fail to offer helping hand to climate survivors’

13 December
COP25: ‘It’s not too late’ to support communities on the frontline of the climate crisis

11 December
Developing countries must ‘stay strong’ in loss and damage negotiations at COP25.

10 December
In climate talks, rich countries are getting away with murder, says Brandon Wu.

6 December
Developed countries continue to block a loss and damage fund to help mitigate the harm of the climate crisis.

1 December
World leaders are arriving in Spain for the latest round of climate talks.

29 November
More than 150 NGOs, including ActionAid, have called on developed countries to stop using bullying tactics to block funding for climate disasters.

25 November
New analysis shows that the US and EU owe more than half the cost of repairing future damage caused by climate disasters.

1 October
What happens when leaders behave like children?
Sesheeni Joud Selvaratnam, our International Programme and Policy Lead, tackles this question in the latest blog.

27 September
Harjeet Singh, our global climate lead, writes: "As the week of global climate action concludes with another wave of exciting protests around the world, I leave New York with two key takeaways."

27 September
Lars Koch, Policy Director for ActionAid Denmark, has written a blog about climate change, the Sustainable Development Goals, and financing.

26 September
Our Bangladesh country director, Farah Kabir, has blogged about the SDG summit in New York, sharing her reflections.

25 September
As the IPCC release the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, Harjeet Singh, our global climate lead, warns that climate change could lead to mass migration.
Read Harjeet's statement here.

23 September
Global climate lead Harjeet Singh has responded to a statement from Danone.
Harjeet says we need policy makers to be courageous.
Read Harjeet's statement here.

23 September
Harjeet Singh, our global lead on climate change, has responded to the first day of the UN Climate Action Summit in New York.
You can read his response here.

23 September
Teresa Anderson is our climate policy co-ordinator.
She has written a blog post explaining why we need system change to counter climate change.

23 September
ActionAid joined the Global Climate Strikes around the world.
See a selection of photos here.
22 September
ActionAid has produced a briefing on nature-based solutions to climate change.
You can read the briefing here.

21 September
Brandon Wu has written some reflections on the climate strike which took place on 20 September and finds the action gives him hope.

19 September
Yesterday, UN Secretary General António Guterres stated that all countries must act to fight climate change.
Brandon Wu, Director of Policy & Campaigns for ActionAid USA has responded.
You can read his response here.

17 September
UN Climate Action Summit: Three ways to breathe life into the Paris Agreement
This press release sets out ActionAid's three key demands from the Climate Action Summit.
You can read the press release here.
Latest climate survivor stories
We’re publishing a series of stories from the frontline of climate change, from the women, young people and indigenous communities already living with the devastating impacts of the crisis.

Sabita Rani was a first responder during Cyclone Bulbul. Her prompt reactions saved many lives.
Sabita is a climate survivor.

Patricia Musweu a small-farmer in Zambia, struggling to survive as her crops are damaged by flood and drought.
Patricia is a climate survivor.

Luisa Mungono’s house in Mozambique was destroyed by Cyclone Idai and her crops were ruined. She had to live in a shack with her husband and children.
Luisa is a climate survivor.

Hilda Hlabiso lives in Zimbabwe. Her community was devastated by Cyclone Idai. Hilda is doing everything she can to help her community return to normal.
Hilda is a climate survivor.

Elizabeth Ebei is a farmer in the rural district of Isiolo in central Kenya.
Climate change has made farming unbearable for Elizabeth. The rains are now erratic. Strong winds damage land and buildings. The rivers are running dry. climate change is severely affecting her livelihood.
Elizabeth is a climate survivor.

Goodness Johnny is a farmer in the Abuator community in the Delta State area of Nigeria.
She received emergency relief materials from ActionAid Nigeria after flooding forced her family to leave their home. She has since been trained in disaster risk reduction so she can help her community.
Goodness is a climate survivor.

Elizabeth Dakurah lives in Ghana where she has a small farm.
The rains are no longer regular and pests have been attacking her crops.
With support from ActionAid, Elizabeth's community is trying to adapt to climate change.
Elizabeth is a climate survivor.

The Cerrado biome in Brazil is a vital savannah environment.
More than 500,000 people have signed a petition to protect the Cerrado.
The campaign wants the Cerrado recognised as a National Heritage Site.
Fatou lives with her family in Senegal.
Her farming community is already impacted by climate change.
With support from ActionAid the community is fighting back.
Fatou is a climate survivor. You can read her story here.