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Sonya Ruparel

Sonya is the deputy humanitarian director for ActionAid's Global Secretariat.

Opinion /

Why ActionAid promotes women’s leadership in emergencies

ActionAid has been promoting women’s leadership in emergencies for many years now. Yet this question never fails to come up: why women?


Everjoice Win

Everjoice is ActionAid's Programmes and Global Engagement Director

Opinion /

100 years fighting for decent working conditions and labour equality

We stand in solidarity with women workers around the world who are still struggling to survive on poverty wages and face shocking levels of discrimination, violence and harassment.


Natasha Mulder

Natasha is a content coordinator based in London.

Double jeopardy

Every day, women around the world are making an invaluable contribution to the global economy through paid and unpaid labour. Their work is often poorly paid, invisible and precarious due to

Publication /

Shrinking space in Zambia

Zambia has earned a reputation as one of the continent’s most stable democracies ever since it returned to multi-party rule almost 30 years ago. However, this tradition is now under serious threat

Guatemalan president must reverse amnesty proposal for perpetrators of crimes against humanity

The Guatemalan government’s proposal is to grant a total amnesty for war criminals previously convicted for crimes against humanity during the armed conflict of the 1980s in the Central American

We denounce the criminalisation of human rights defenders and require guarantees for Claudia Samayoa and Jorge Martínez

ActionAid International is deeply concerned to hear the news that our colleague Claudia Virginia Samayoa Pineda, a well-known defender of human rights in Guatemala, may be tried for criminal offences.

Statement in response to xenophobic attacks against migrants in South Africa

“A country that does not know its history cannot learn from its mistakes. The South African government’s continued failure to protect migrants from xenophobic attacks shows at best, a lack of