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Landmark indictment of Samsung France for misleading advertising

After an epic judicial procedure initiated in France by Sherpa and ActionAid more than six years ago, Samsung Electronics France SAS has been indicted for misleading advertising.


The Rainbow Activists

The Rainbow Activist Alliance is challenging the South African authorities stop the culture of impunity and violence.

Zandile, an LGBTI activist from South Africa
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Citizens’ Tax Tribunals

An alternative space to share the stories, generate a debate on the implications of tax on ordinary people and draw the attention of the policymakers.

Participants are seen at “Citizen's Tax Tribunal”, a mock tribunal, organised by ActionAid Bangladesh at Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban of the University of Dhaka.
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Campaigning for a more progressive tax system

Our in-depth research and awareness raising on public resource mobilisation in Burundi has led to progressive tax reforms.

A tax justice banner in Burundi

A report that opens doors

Our tool that uncovers how European tax policies and treaties might impact developing countries.

Tax Policy and Programme Manager Hannah Brejnholt Tranberg debating “who should pay taxes?” at Folkemødet 2018

Tax pays for schools

This project led to the mobilisation of local people claiming something in return for their tax payments - namely education.

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Fighting taxes that increase inequality

Tax Justice Alliance Uganda challenges a new tax measure that would increase inequality.

Tax Justice Alliance members presenting their petition to the former opposition leader in Parliament, the Honorable Winnie Kizza

The threat to the community of Vhimba

Residents in in Chikware and Mapombere villages in Zimbabwe were threatened with a 72 hours eviction notice by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. Due to rapid intervention this

Preparing the banana crop for sale, that the community depends on
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Covid-19 vaccines must be free and accessible to people in the Global South

Money and profit shouldn’t determine who has access to treatment, and there are other, better ways to ensure everyone has a route out of this crisis. ActionAid is supporting calls for a People’s

A nurse prepares treatment for a patient in Uganda.
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Young people face a very uncertain future after the pandemic

At the start of the pandemic, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) predicted a global loss of 305 million full-time jobs by July 2020. Now this number is over 400 million. The crisis is worse

Nima and her mother earn an income from their sewing shop in Tamale Peri, Ghana