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Tax Justice Advocacy Toolkit

A toolkit to introduce civil society to tax topics in a way that is accessible and understandable.While some pioneering civil society groups have long been campaigning for fairer tax justice, the


Who's Really Fighting Hunger?

Why the world is going backwards on the UN goal to halve hunger and what can be done.The 2010 HungerFREE scorecard shows that there are some simple steps that would make it both possible and


Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture: Experiences from ActionAid and its partners

This document summarises ActionAid's main approaches to and key pillars of climate resilient sustainable agriculture, with case studies from six countries. 


Don't COP Out!

Don't COP Out!This report highlights the devestating impacts climate change is having on developing countries and outlines the crucial decisions which need to be made by developed countires during the


Don’t COP Out! Compensate for Climate Chaos

Success at the upcoming 17th Conference of Parties (COP 17) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Durban, South Africa, in large part depends on the willingness of


False Solutions for Real Problems

Rich countries are showing little political will to agree to second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol at the upcoming Durban meeting of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools - Good practice and lessons learned

This report draws out examples of good practice and lessons learned from the implementation of ActionAid's five year Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools project in Nepal.  

Characteristics of a disaster resilient community

Setting out the many different elements of resilience, this report shows what a ‘disaster-resilient community’ might look like, and provides some ideas about how to progress towards increased


Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools final report

The Disaster Risk Reduction through Schools (DRRS) Project, exclusively funded the UK’s Department for International Development, was implemented from October 2005 to December 2010 by ActionAid