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Funding for global education must move away from neo-colonial aid

With the new chair of GPE taking up his role in September there has never been a better opportunity to move away from the dominance of the neo-colonial aid narrative and ensure genuinely

ActionAid Rwanda is supporting education by providing funding for teacher's salaries.

Zambia’s election: Covid-19 guidelines must not be used to restrict monitors’ access to polling stations

As Zambia heads to the polls tomorrow (August 12) for a highly contested election, ActionAid is calling on the Electoral Commission to protect the integrity of the ballot and ensure voting can proceed

Zambia election

ActionAid joins calls for COP26 to be postponed as vaccine inequality sidelines voices from the Global South

As a member of Climate Action Network (CAN) International, ActionAid has joined calls from across civil society and the Global South for the UN Climate Summit (COP26) in Glasgow to be postponed.

Mozambique floods

People’s Hearing to highlight outrageous injustices faced by Palestinians

As members of the UN Human Rights Council meet in Geneva on 14 September, ActionAid and Palestinian human rights organisation Al-Haq are hosting a virtual people’s hearing to highlight Israel’s

Janna Jihad

Pharmaceutical companies reaping immoral profits from Covid vaccines yet paying low tax rates

Moderna, BioNTech and Pfizer cashing in thanks to taxpayer investments, monopolies, and low taxes while leaving millions unprotected.

Haiti health worker
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Leaked Pandora Papers expose urgent need to stamp out tax avoidance by wealthy and political elite

As the Pandora Papers reveal yet again the extensive use of tax havens and tax secrecy by the economic and political elite, ActionAid International calls on governments to step up their efforts to

Kenya education
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IMF imposed austerity slashes three million frontline workers from world’s most fragile health systems

New research by ActionAid, Public Services International and Education International warns that the IMF’s demands to cut public sector employee costs undermines progress on health and education. 

Students stand with their teacher outside a school in North Pemba, Tanzania

Five climate justice benchmarks for a successful COP26

ActionAid has identified five key climate justice benchmarks that must be met if the COP 26 climate summit is to be successful. Read more about them here.

A flood in Bangladesh caused by the climate crisis
Publication /

Free Palestine?

This Briefing Paper catalogues some of the main violations of international law committed against the occupied Palestinian population, with a focus on the duties of Israel in its role of Occupying

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Palestine Day: More than 600 people join ActionAid Palestine’s Walk for Freedom

To mark International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November), ActionAid Palestine and the Lejan youth group organised a Walk for Freedom through Jericho city.

Hundreds of Palestinian residents took part in the Walk for Freedom.