Agroecology, Empowerment and Resilience
West Africa is highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change. This mid-term review of the Agroecology and Resilience project provides key lessons for projects seeking to build resilience to

"Climate Smart Agriculture" causes confusion
Climate Smart Agriculture is gaining attention in government, NGO, academic, corporate, research and international policy spaces. But there is growing confusion and debate over what the term 'Climate

No Place To Go
This policy brief summarises the impact of the ASEAN's economic model on gender inequality, land rights, and the environment, and offers recommendations for ASEAN to eradicate poverty and inequality

Gender Sensitive Access to Markets
Women continue to face multiple barriers to market access, which are often seen as the domain of men: this can make it challenging for women to make a sustainable living.

Agroecology: Scaling-up, scaling-out
Over 500 million family farms currently produce around 80% of the world's food, and around half of these farmers are women.

Will the UN Food Systems Summit really solve hunger and climate change?
The UNFSS has been revealed to be a huge waste of time and resources. The summit is diverting the attention of policymakers and the public away from what is urgently needed to transform the global

Five climate justice benchmarks for a successful COP26
ActionAid has identified five key climate justice benchmarks that must be met if the COP 26 climate summit is to be successful. Read more about them here.

Young Palestinians show solidarity with farmers during olive harvest
Palestinian youth groups have joined farmers to help with the olive harvest in Al-Makhrour, near Bethlehem. This is the latest in a series of actions arranged by ActionAid Palestine in partnership

ActionAid responds to the latest IPCC report
ActionAid responds to the latest instalment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s landmark scientific report on the climate crisis.

Doubly Devastating: Local communities disproportionately affected by food, fuel, and fertiliser price rises
The fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is being felt globally as disruption to supply from two of the world’s major exporters of wheat, maize, fuel and fertiliser is causing prices to soar.