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The #42for42 fire trucks protest

When activists in Zambia realised the country was buying 42 fire trucks for $42 million, and found they could be bought for a quarter of the price, they knew they had to act. This is their story.

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Born into fire: Violence brings mental health struggles for new mothers in Gaza

ActionAid is providing counselling to help new mothers cope with the trauma of giving birth during and after the violence, as psychologists report a rise in postpartum depression .

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Rohingya volunteers are first to respond when emergencies hit Cox's Bazar

On the fourth anniversary of their displacement, we take a look at the resilience of the Rohingya refugee community in Cox's Bazar.

Young Palestinians show solidarity with farmers during olive harvest

Palestinian youth groups have joined farmers to help with the olive harvest in Al-Makhrour, near Bethlehem. This is the latest in a series of actions arranged by ActionAid Palestine in partnership

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Palestine Day: More than 600 people join ActionAid Palestine’s Walk for Freedom

To mark International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November), ActionAid Palestine and the Lejan youth group organised a Walk for Freedom through Jericho city.


Afghanistan crisis: “My family fled our hometown because we did not have enough food to survive"

As winter approaches, millions of Afghans are facing a deepening food and malnutrition crisis.

An escalating humanitarian crisis, severe drought and the Covid-19 pandemic have left nearly 23 million

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ActionAid supports displaced families in Afghanistan facing hunger and a harsh winter

As winter sets in, millions of Afghans are facing a deepening food and malnutrition crisis.

Freezing temperatures and heavy snowstorms are intensifying an already devastating humanitarian crisis in

As rains fail, families in rural Kenya face perilous levels of hunger and thirst

Rains have failed for the third consecutive season in vast areas of arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya. ActionAid Kenya’s communications manager Fridah Bwari on how drought is devastating family

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In Moldova, those living in poverty offer shelter to those fleeing war

In the first 24 hours after the Russian invasion, more than 28,000 refugees fled Ukraine to seek refuge in Moldova. Despite being the poorest country in Europe, Moldovans have been opening their homes

East Africa Food Crisis: Ceel-Hume

In July 2018, ActionAid established a community farm in partnership with the Ceel-Hume women’s group, the World Food Program, and local government. The community envisioned this project after the