Calls for greater action from the South African government following rise in violence against women and xenophobic attacks
ActionAid country directors from across Africa have issued a joint statement in solidarity with those protesting against xenophobic attacks in South Africa

ActionAid calls on rich countries and pharmaceutical companies to stop blocking cheap generic vaccines
ActionAid is supporting calls for a People’s Vaccine – a vaccine that is available to all, in all countries, free of charge.

Citizens demand the EU stops stalling on a treaty to ensure that businesses respect human rights
This week saw the publication of the landmark revised draft of a UN treaty which aims to prevent human rights abuses by transnational corporations and other business enterprises, and close existing
Young Palestinians use music and social media to raise awareness of forced evictions in East Jerusalem
Young Palestinians living in East Jerusalem are harnessing the power of social media and music to tell the world about their fears of forced eviction and what life is like living under Israeli

Reclaiming and Transforming Multilateralism: Towards a People's Multilateralism
Young people make up the majority of the world’s population. As they inherit multiple intersecting crises, it is essential that they are equipped with the knowledge and power to stand up for their

ActionAid joins calls for COP26 to be postponed as vaccine inequality sidelines voices from the Global South
As a member of Climate Action Network (CAN) International, ActionAid has joined calls from across civil society and the Global South for the UN Climate Summit (COP26) in Glasgow to be postponed.

People’s Hearing to highlight outrageous injustices faced by Palestinians
As members of the UN Human Rights Council meet in Geneva on 14 September, ActionAid and Palestinian human rights organisation Al-Haq are hosting a virtual people’s hearing to highlight Israel’s

Five climate justice benchmarks for a successful COP26
ActionAid has identified five key climate justice benchmarks that must be met if the COP 26 climate summit is to be successful. Read more about them here.

Free Palestine?
This Briefing Paper catalogues some of the main violations of international law committed against the occupied Palestinian population, with a focus on the duties of Israel in its role of Occupying

Palestine Day: More than 600 people join ActionAid Palestine’s Walk for Freedom
To mark International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November), ActionAid Palestine and the Lejan youth group organised a Walk for Freedom through Jericho city.