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In Moldova, those living in poverty offer shelter to those fleeing war

In the first 24 hours after the Russian invasion, more than 28,000 refugees fled Ukraine to seek refuge in Moldova. Despite being the poorest country in Europe, Moldovans have been opening their homes


Launch of factsheets with sustainable solutions to finance education

Launch of three factsheets with sustainable solutions to finance education


TaxEd Alliance

The TaxEd Alliance brings together in partnership global tax justice and education actors to make a transformative breakthrough in the domestic financing of public education. ActionAid, the Global


Financing the Future: Delivering Sustainable Development Goal 4

As a result of chronic, sustained underfunding, public education systems in developing countries are ill-prepared to continue operating during this pandemic. Governments have failed to adequately

ActionAid concerned about mass displacement of Palestinians in Masafer Yatta

Palestine - On the 74th anniversary of Nakba (Catastrophe), which marks the mass dispossession and displacement of 750,000 Palestinians from their lands in 1948, ActionAid warns that displacement of

Doubly Devastating: Local communities disproportionately affected by food, fuel, and fertiliser price rises

The fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is being felt globally as disruption to supply from two of the world’s major exporters of wheat, maize, fuel and fertiliser is causing prices to soar.  

New research: Local food and fuel prices more than triple in some of the world’s most at risk communities

The cost of food, fuel and fertiliser in some of the world’s poorest communities is soaring, with families spending double, triple and in some cases nearly four times what they were paying before

ActionAid prepares to support thousands in flood-ravaged parts of India

Heavy rains have caused severe flooding in north-eastern India, leading to mudslides and flash floods, destroying tens of thousands of hectares of crops, and devastating communities. ActionAid

ActionAid: Do not abandon Afghans

As government ministers and donors meet virtually for the United Nations (UN) OCHA Afghanistan Conference 2022, a high-level pledging event for the emergency response in Afghanistan, ActionAid is


Why it’s the responsibility of the African Union Finance Ministers to address hunger on the continent with just and sustainable economic recovery

According to the World Food Programme (WFP) and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) 18 of the 23 hunger hotspots needing urgent humanitarian action are in Africa. In East Africa alone, 20 million