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Drought in East Africa: How communities in Somaliland are adapting

East Africa is currently facing the worst drought for decades and yet there remains little to no attention to the severity of the situation. With the number of emergencies rapidly growing in the face


Why it’s the responsibility of the African Union Finance Ministers to address hunger on the continent with just and sustainable economic recovery

According to the World Food Programme (WFP) and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) 18 of the 23 hunger hotspots needing urgent humanitarian action are in Africa. In East Africa alone, 20 million

How privatisation is undermining progress towards inclusive, equitable and quality education by 2030

This ActionAid opinion piece looks at how privatisation is undermining progress towards inclusive, equitable and quality education by 2030 across Africa.


Systems change to food security

Food is essential to life. Food not only provides the basic sustenance for physical survival and nutrition for healthy human existence; food is also a key element of people’s culture and rights!

On World Refugee Day: Why the world needs to stop being racist to refugees

Following the war in Ukraine, there are now a staggering 100 million forcibly displaced people around the world. That means 100 million people who have had to flee; leave jobs, livelihoods and family

Respecting, protecting, fulfilling the right to food in times of Covid-19

This post by Ruchi Tripathi, head of resilient livelihoods and climate justice, ActionAid International, looks at the systemic failures of the international economic system in relation to food


Funding girls' education in emergencies

Covid-19 has had devastating impact on young women’s education. Young women and girls are at higher risk of early marriage and pregnancy. Massive investment in education is urgently needed. Let’s


Anti-racism in education: promoting racial equity and building a global anti-racist movement

The Transformative and Anti-racist Educational System project (SETA) secured US$10 million from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to enable transformative long-term changes to Brazil’s systems and


Why civil society organisations will boycott the UN’s Food Systems Summit unless there is a radical redirection away from corporate interests

Global food systems need a major overhaul. The UN Food Systems Summit is being billed as the answer – a forum to launch ‘bold new actions to transform the way the world produces and consumes food’

Young people might be more resilient to the virus, but not to its impacts

This blog examines the challenges that young people face around the world, from Covid-19 to homelessness and lack of employment