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Leveraging tax transparency

Universal health care. Free childcare. Free education. These are what our taxes contribute to in Australia. Despite this, the issue of tax is highly politicised and often used to attack progressive

Surviving climate change – Hilda’s story

This is the story of Hilda. Hilda lives in rural Zimbabwe and her community was devastated by Cyclone Idai. Read about how Hilda worked to rebuild her community and watch her short video.

As rains fail, families in rural Kenya face perilous levels of hunger and thirst

Rains have failed for the third consecutive season in vast areas of arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya. ActionAid Kenya’s communications manager Fridah Bwari on how drought is devastating family

Celebrating the power of human rights defenders

Human rights are hard won and easily lost. This is a collection of stories of those who defend human rights around the world.

190 organisations join our call for increased funding for education post-Covid

On 28th July 2020 ActionAid convened a ground-breaking webinar on the domestic financing of education beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. You can view the full recoding of the webinar and read the call to

Financing education

This page outlines the way that ActionAid works to finance education around the world.

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Our response to the Covid-19 pandemic

Our local teams have already reached  25 million people across 40 countries, but this crisis is far from over.

Protecting the grass under elephants

To mark International Day of Rural Women, Fletcher Simwaka, communications officer at ActionAid Malawi, makes the case for a strong, gender-just binding UN treaty to ensure transnational companies

Nigerians trafficked to Ghana and forced to work as cyber-criminals for ruthless gangs

In 2022, the International Labour Organisation revealed that 50m people worldwide were trapped in forms of modern slavery. An increase of almost 10m since 2017.[i] 

Why ActionAid is working to tackle modern slavery     

Attention must be dedicated to upholding human rights in the world of work.