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Major step towards tax transparency as EU Council backs public country-by-country reporting directive

A majority of European Council members have today supported the EU country-by-country reporting directive in an important step towards tax transparency.


Still racing toward the bottom? Corporate tax incentives in East Africa

In 2012, ActionAid and Tax Justice Network Africa published a report containing estimates of how much revenue East African countries were losing by providing tax incentives.1 Tax incentives often

The Care Contradiction: The IMF, Gender and Austerity

This report exposes the devastating impact public sector cuts are having on women in low income countries, who face a triple threat of losing access to services, having fewer opportunities to access


ActionAid International welcomes new Secretary General

ActionAid International has announced that Arthur Larok, who has been interim Secretary General at ActionAid International for the past year, has been appointed to lead the charity on a permanent


ActionAid International Stands in Solidarity with Palestinian People

ActionAid International joins the international and human rights organizations all over the world to mark the international solidarity Day with Palestinian People stressing its commitment towards

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UNRWA funding suspension: Joint letter by aid organisations

"As aid organisations, we are deeply concerned and outraged that some of the largest donors have united to suspend funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the main aid provider

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How just three Big Tech companies could address nurse shortages in 20 poor countries by paying their fair share of corporate tax

New ActionAid research looked at Facebook, Alphabet Inc (the parent company of Google) and Microsoft and exposed a potential $2.8bn ‘tax gap’ which these three tech giants alone could be liable for in


African leaders urged to mobilise debt strike

On the eve of G20 Finance Ministers grappling with the biggest economic crisis in generations, ActionAid is calling for unprecedented collective action from African leaders ahead of the International


ActionAid Country Directors in Africa call for an end to debt distress

The IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings are taking place in Africa for the first time in 50 years. The last such meeting was held in Kenya in 1973, coincidentally the year of the military coup against

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ActionAid partner Al-Awda hospital in Gaza given orders to urgently evacuate

ActionAid partner Al-Awda hospital in Gaza given orders to urgently evacuate