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Indonesia earthquake

“Our sympathies go out to the thousands of families who have had their lives turned upside down by the devastating earthquake in Cianjur in Indonesia. 


Girls hardest hit by Covid-19 school closures – as teachers report spike in early marriage and teen pregnancies

As children in the global north head back to school, teachers across Asia, Africa and Latin America say many girls in their classes are struggling to return due to increases in early marriage


Historic shift towards a more democratic, transparent, and fair financial architecture

Despite the intense lobbying by the OECD countries to stop it, the resolution submitted by Nigeria on behalf of the 54-member African group of states, mandating the UN to take on a global tax

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Stop Violence Against Girls in School

A lack of knowledge about violence against girls has hindered efforts to stop it. ActionAid’s 2013 Stop Violence Against Girls in School report is one of the first comprehensive studies to provide


ActionAid International 2019 Annual Report

This edition of the ActionAid International Annual Report provides an overview of our federation's work during 2019.


Researching education outcomes in Burundi, Malawi,Senegal and Uganda: using participatory tools and collaborative approaches

Over the past decade, over 40 million more children, may of them girls, have attended school worldwide (EFA GMR 2010).  While this has been cause for celebration in many countries, there are


Beyond affordability: a dual crisis for young women in Nigeria

ActionAid’s new and more detailed research has found that families are spending up to nine times what they paid almost 18 months ago for food, fuel, and fertilizer. While global prices have dropped by

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The ActionAid Tax Justice Reflection Action Toolkit

Our tax justice reflection action toolkit (TJ-RATK) is made to help empower communities to stand up for their rights.


People's Action in Practice

For now you can download the new resource bookPeople’s Action in Practice as a whole or in parts. The full document is 230 pages. Part One of People’s Action in Practice outlines key concepts. You can

Opinion /

A Covid-19 recession may have lifelong effects on young people

Even before the Covid-19 crisis, young people already faced employment challenges. But with the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, addressing these issues is now more urgent than ever.