For now you can download the new resource book
People’s Action in Practice as a whole or in parts. The full document is 230 pages.
Part One of People’s Action in Practice outlines key concepts. You can download the whole part if you click here. Alternatively you can download individual chapters:
- Glossary, contents and preface
- A short history of why we work on rights
- Defining ActionAid’s HRBA - our 8 principles
- Empowerment
- Solidarity
- Campaigning
Part Two provides specific resources around the 5 strategic objectives and 10 key change promises in our People’s Action strategy 2012-2017. It includes critical pathways for how we will achieve our promises and how we will track our progress against them, as well as some background rationale and key definitions, some case studies and some practical tools to help you think through adapting each area of work to your context. Click here to download this whole section. Or you can download
- Objective 1 – land rights and sustainable agriculture
- Objective 2 – accountable governments and redistribution of resources
- Objective 3 – education and youth
- Objective 4 – resilience and emergency response
- Objective 5 – women’s control over their bodies and women’s economic alternatives
Part Three addresses in more depth the People’s Action Monitoring Framework aligned to our new strategy, elements of which will have already been introduced in other parts of this book. It then outlines our core programme cycle –which involves appraisal, strategy development, implementation and evaluation.
Finally you can also download our strategy:
People’s Action to End Poverty, ActionAid’s Strategy 2012-2017