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We mean business: protecting women’s rights in global supply chains

This free to download report examines the position of women in global supply chains, particularly in agriculture, and outlines ways in which they must be protected.

A photo of Mary, a farmer in western Kenya

Trade deal negotiations must be paused during the Covid-19 crisis

ActionAid and hundreds of other organisations have called for trade deal talks to be suspended during the Covid-19 crisis. This post explores why.

A woman farmer harvesting crops in a field

Our future is in respect for natural ecosystems

This ActionAid opinion piece examines how agroecology may help to prevent further pandemics

Facilitators and Farmers outside an ActionAid agroecology school in Bangladesh

The threat to the community of Vhimba

Residents in in Chikware and Mapombere villages in Zimbabwe were threatened with a 72 hours eviction notice by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority. Due to rapid intervention this

Preparing the banana crop for sale, that the community depends on

Protecting the grass under elephants

To mark International Day of Rural Women, Fletcher Simwaka, communications officer at ActionAid Malawi, makes the case for a strong, gender-just binding UN treaty to ensure transnational companies

A photo of Walipa Phiri, one of the farmers likely to be affected by climate change

ActionAid responds to UN report on land and climate change

On 8 August 2019 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published its landmark report on land use and climate. This is ActionAid's response.

A photo of rice paddies damaged by a flood in Bangladesh

No Place To Go

This policy brief summarises the impact of the ASEAN's economic model on gender inequality, land rights, and the environment, and offers recommendations for ASEAN to eradicate poverty and inequality


Rooted Resilience: a year of stories.

Rooted resilience is a yearlong project aiming to shine a spotlight on climate solutions and positive practices of agroecology, because agroecological farming works with nature instead of against it. 
