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Never Give Up: the struggle for a birthright

This is the story of the Acholi people of Apaa, Uganda. They have routinely been displaced from their land and this is the story of their struggle for a land to call home.

The Apaa community triumphantly ends the month-long occupation

Conservation or land grabbing? The case of Mbulia Group Ranch

Sometimes, conservation can be used as a cover for landgrabbing. This story, of the Mbulia Group Ranch in Kenya, is an example of how this can happen.

James Mzungu shows a copy of the Title Deed acquired by Mbulia Group Ranch in 2006, more than 20 year after he had been living there.

Five climate justice benchmarks for a successful COP26

ActionAid has identified five key climate justice benchmarks that must be met if the COP 26 climate summit is to be successful. Read more about them here.

A flood in Bangladesh caused by the climate crisis

ActionAid: Afghans deserve better

One year on from the change of ruling power in Afghanistan, ActionAid calls for more support for Afghans living in extreme food insecurity and poverty.

Afghanistan - Fundraising Images

ActionAid: We must come together to ensure a safe return for Rohingya refugees

The Rohingya people have now been displaced from their homes in Myanmar for five years, with almost a million of them living in refugee camps in Bangladesh. The majority of Rohingya refugees in

Cox's Bazar Rohingya refugee camp, Bangladesh

ActionAid comments on the Africa Adaptation Summit

Commenting on the Africa Adaptation Summit taking place in Rotterdam on 5th September, Nils Mollema, Climate Justice Policy Advisor at ActionAid Netherlands, says:

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