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Whose City?

Some successful and innovative ways that women’s rights, social justice and civil society organisations influence and work with governments to improve women’s urban safety.

No Place To Go

This policy brief summarises the impact of the ASEAN's economic model on gender inequality, land rights, and the environment, and offers recommendations for ASEAN to eradicate poverty and inequality

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Making tax work for girls’ education

Globally, there are 264 million primary and secondary age children and youth out of school. More girls than boys currently receive no primary education and many pupils in school in developing

Gender Sensitive Access to Markets

Women continue to face multiple barriers to market access, which are often seen as the domain of men: this can make it challenging for women to make a sustainable living.

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Not what she bargained for?

This report outlines recommendations to governments, UN agencies and NGOs on to support gender work and the specific steps that CARE International and ActionAid will make to support wider efforts.

Raising citizens’ voices on the Sustainable Development Goals

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world’s most marginalised people must be involved in the process. But they are often excluded implementing, monitoring and delivering the SDGs

Framework 2018: Gender-Responsive Public Services

This framework offers practical guidance to all matters relating to public services, including education, health, transport, water and sanitation, early childcare, agricultural extension and street

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Women's Rights Beyond The Business Case

This briefing highlights the importance of a binding international accountability framework for Transnational Corporations (TNCs) that protects women's rights, as an integral part of efforts to

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Stop Violence Against Girls in School

A lack of knowledge about violence against girls has hindered efforts to stop it. ActionAid’s 2013 Stop Violence Against Girls in School report is one of the first comprehensive studies to provide

Palestine crisis: A message from a bleeding Gaza

As Israel continues its relentless attacks on Palestinian communities, ActionAid Palestine’s senior humanitarian programme officer, Samah Kassab, shares a powerful and heartbreaking message from Gaza.