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World Food Day: Women farmers most at risk from Covid-19 food crisis

On World Food Day, ActionAid releases early findings research into how measures to control Covid-19 are affecting the lives of women smallholder farmers across 14 countries in Africa and Asia*. It

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Game of two halves – football finals offer ray of hope in Europe while Uganda turns stadium into Covid-19 hospital

Number of Ugandans fully vaccinated equivalent to less than 5% of Wembley stadium capacity.


IMF’s persistent push for austerity reckless in face of Ukraine conflict and looming food crisis

ActionAid urges governments to resist advice to tighten public spending as Spring meetings expose huge gulf between IMF’s progressive rhetoric globally and actions on the ground in the countries

ActionAid calls on rich countries and pharmaceutical companies to stop blocking cheap generic vaccines

ActionAid is supporting calls for a People’s Vaccine – a vaccine that is available to all, in all countries, free of charge.

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G7 support for pharma monopolies is putting millions of lives at risk

head of the G7 Leaders’ Summit, the People’s Vaccine Alliance warned that G7 promises to vaccinate the world by 2022 will be impossible to fulfil, if governments continue blocking proposals to waive

Your funding of climate-wrecking projects is robbing us of livelihoods and homes, communities tell global banks as AGM season kicks off

As major global banks Barclays, HSBC, and Citibank hold their Annual General Meetings (AGMs)

ActionAid hails loss and damage fund outcome at COP27 as victory for people living on the front lines of climate disasters

A decision at COP27 to establish a loss and damage fund for communities living on the front lines of climate disasters has been hailed a victory by climate justice organisation ActionAid. 


African leaders urged to mobilise debt strike

On the eve of G20 Finance Ministers grappling with the biggest economic crisis in generations, ActionAid is calling for unprecedented collective action from African leaders ahead of the International

Women disproportionately impacted by climate change must have their voices heard at COP27, says ActionAid International

On ‘Gender Day’ at COP27, ActionAid is calling on world leaders to put the voices of women and girls from the Global South living through the reality of the climate crisis at the heart of COP27

Dozens of people are dead and hundreds are missing a few miles from the town of Pylos, in southwestern Greece

Javier Garcia, ActionAid International’s Head of Country Engagement and Transformation for Europe and Americas, said on migrant deaths off the coast of Pylos, Greece on 14 June 2023