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World Food Day 2020

Before the pandemic, 27 million people were experiencing in “emergency” levels of food insecurity, one step away from famine (FAO 2020). The Covid-19 crisis could have a catastrophic impact of their

Has gender equality been put into lockdown?

Covid-19 has altered the lives of women and men worldwide. In lockdown, we became teachers, nurses, cooks and caregivers, all at the same time. This has not only affected parents and adults, but young

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Covid-19 lockdown and school closures force girls into early marriage

Manisha’s story is one of 256 cases of early marriages reported in the state of Odisha during lockdown.

190 organisations join our call for increased funding for education post-Covid

On 28th July 2020 ActionAid convened a ground-breaking webinar on the domestic financing of education beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. You can view the full recoding of the webinar and read the call to

Photo of a nine year old c=girl called Sumaiya doing her homework

Stuck in limbo: The Rohingya Refugee Crisis, three years on

Heavy monsoon rains are pounding the Rohingya refugee camps at Cox’s Bazar, flooding the crowded settlement and destroying makeshift homes. It is yet another hardship testing the resilience of

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ActionAid's Beirut Blast response plan

Emergency response appeals will fund crucial and life-saving work to house and protect women and girls.

ActionAid's emergency response in Beirut

International Labour Organisation C190 - anniversary webinar

To mark the one year anniversary of the adoption of ILO Convention 190: Violence and Harassment Convention, a webinar entitled "The World of Work is Changing! Why ILO C190 Matters More Than Ever" was


'Women and girls are living in a pressure cage'

Sharmin Akter, 21, is a case management worker for ActionAid. She supports women and girls living in the Rohingya refugee camps at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Here Sharmin explains why COVID-19 reaching

Leveraging tax transparency

Universal health care. Free childcare. Free education. These are what our taxes contribute to in Australia. Despite this, the issue of tax is highly politicised and often used to attack progressive

Australia's Parliament building in Canberra
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Restoring vital mangrove forests in Cambodia

ActionAid Cambodia and partners are working with eight community fisheries and the provincial fisheries administration to restore Kampot’s mangrove forests and marine resources. This is a result of

Mrs. Pheong Saret planting a mangrove sapling