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More than 150 NGOs call for refugees’ rights to be protected

ActionAid is one of 152 organisations to sign a joint open letter to Greek and EU leaders raising serious concerns about the treatment of refugees at the Evros border and Aegean islands, where the


TEGINT methodology toolkit: Working with the Local Community

In this booklet a few activities have been pickedout for work with the local community.  The majority of activities in the parents, SMC and PTA booklet would also be useful when working with the local


No real action from IMF and World Bank. It’s business as usual – which means more debt and austerity - say ActionAid activists at annual meetings

No real action from IMF and World Bank. It’s business as usual – which means more debt and austerity - say ActionAid activists at annual meetings

There seems to be no real action on reforms by the


Cyclone Freddy leaves a trail of destruction in Malawi: “Everything is gone”

Cyclone Freddy has been said to be record-breaking in its strength, length, and resurgence. In Malawi, the cyclone has been devasting to communities, with a state of disaster being declared in 14

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Covid-19 lockdown and school closures force girls into early marriage

Manisha’s story is one of 256 cases of early marriages reported in the state of Odisha during lockdown.


TEGINT methodology toolkit: Working with Girls

This booklet contains activities designed for work with Girls' Clubs in schools in order to:

empower girls to reaslise their self worth beyond the limits of societal definition;
build their

Southern Africa food and climate crisis

More than nine million people in Southern Africa are facing severe food shortages.

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ActionAid signs open letter on the right to asylum

This open letter, signed by more than 121 organisations, calls on various international bodies to reaffirm the rights or refugees and asylum seekers.


TEGINT methodology toolkit: Working with Teachers

This booklet contains activities for use with teachers working with Girls' Clubs in schools as well as those in teacher training.  In order for TEGINT and Girls' Clubs to work, support from teachers

Nurses fight to provide care despite funding cuts in Malawi

ActionAid Malawi work with NAM through advocacy work. The Malawi government, as instructed by the IMF and World Bank, were told to freeze employment of nurses, doctors and teachers. ActionAid are