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Young Palestinians show solidarity with farmers during olive harvest

Palestinian youth groups have joined farmers to help with the olive harvest in Al-Makhrour, near Bethlehem. This is the latest in a series of actions arranged by ActionAid Palestine in partnership

Sondos Abu Srur, a young Palestinian woman, picks olives in the occupied Palestinian territories.
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Free Palestine?

This Briefing Paper catalogues some of the main violations of international law committed against the occupied Palestinian population, with a focus on the duties of Israel in its role of Occupying

Janna Jihad has been documenting Israel's violations of international law since she was just seven years old.
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Palestine Day: More than 600 people join ActionAid Palestine’s Walk for Freedom

To mark International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November), ActionAid Palestine and the Lejan youth group organised a Walk for Freedom through Jericho city.

Hundreds of Palestinian residents took part in the Walk for Freedom.
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As winter approaches, millions of Afghans are facing a deepening food and malnutrition crisis

An escalating humanitarian crisis, severe drought and the Covid-19 pandemic have left millions of people in Afghanistan without enough food to eat.

As harsh winter weather approaches, ActionAid Afghanistan is providing families with cash assistance, to purchase food and heating equipment.

Building resilient communities

This brief report looks at how ActionAid helped communities affected by Cyclone Nargis (May 2008) to build their resilience to future crises, by engaging in Disaster Risk Reduction activities. 


Milking the Poor - How EU subsidies hurt dairy producers in Bangladesh

For decades, European dairy farmers have been given massive subsidies under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU). This has enabled them to export cheap milk powder, among


Milking the poor - How EU subsidies hurt dairy producers in Bangladesh

Massive subsidies in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy are putting local farmers in poor countries out of business, reveals a new report by ActionAid. Milking the poor shows how subsidised EU milk


A just peace? The legacy of war for the women of Afghanistan

October 7 2011 marks 10 years since British and American forces intervened in Afghanistan, responding to the threat to global security following the attacks of September 11 2001. At the time

ActionAid calls for urgent international action to open Gaza

While it is good news that a ceasefire agreement has been reached in the Gaza Strip, we fear that this is not the last time such action will be taken. This violence took place amidst mounting

Gaza crisis, May 2021

ActionAid condemns Israeli raid of Palestinian human rights organisations

Israeli forces have raided the offices of several Palestinian human rights advocacy groups, which they had previously labelled as “terrorist organisations”, closing them down and reportedly seizing

Samah Kassab is a senior programme officer at ActionAid Palestine who lives in north-west Gaza. She is pictured among the devastation caused by Israeli airstrikes.