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The ActionAid Tax Justice Reflection Action Toolkit

Our tax justice reflection action toolkit (TJ-RATK) is made to help empower communities to stand up for their rights.

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Democratising global governance and multilateralism

Despite significant advances in international commitments and national legislation, human rights are under attack in countries across the world. New research by ActionAid reveals the extent to which

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Reclaiming and Transforming Multilateralism: Towards a People's Multilateralism

Young people make up the majority of the world’s population. As they inherit multiple intersecting crises, it is essential that they are equipped with the knowledge and power to stand up for their

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Free Palestine?

This Briefing Paper catalogues some of the main violations of international law committed against the occupied Palestinian population, with a focus on the duties of Israel in its role of Occupying

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The Impact of Covid-19 Measures on Civil and Political Rights in Nine Countries

This ActionAid report presents a variety of perspectives from diverse contexts, showing how Covid-19 measures are undermining civic space and what needs to change.

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Believe in Better: From Policy to Practice

This report explores the ways the United Nations is supporting young people to engage in participatory decision-making processes and to hold duty bearers in their governments to account.

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Analysing European Union Institutions’ Flows for Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD)

This report analyses the first round of Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD) data from European Union (EU) Institutions.

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The Public Versus Austerity: Why public sector wage bill constraints must end

Based on ground-breaking research our new report published with Public Services International and Education International exposes how austerity cuts in just 15 countries have blocked recruitment of

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The Vicious Cycle

The countries that are most vulnerable to the climate crisis are also facing a debt crisis – and the need to service external debt in foreign currency has become a major accelerator of the climate

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Over 18 million girls missing school in Africa as continent loses USD29 billion in education funding through flawed taxation

A staggering 18,8m girls are out of primary school in Africa according to a new report by the Tax and Education (TaxEd) Alliance and its allies.