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COP27 must deliver for communities, women and girls on the frontlines of the climate crisis

We are halfway through the COP27 climate negotiations, with a huge amount left to be agreed and achieved.

Today, week two kicks-off with Gender Day, shining a much-needed spotlight on the plight that

Opinion /

Will the UN Food Systems Summit really solve hunger and climate change?

The UNFSS has been revealed to be a huge waste of time and resources. The summit is diverting the attention of policymakers and the public away from what is urgently needed to transform the global

Inspired: Some observations as young people take over the fight for climate justice

Harjeet Singh, our global climate lead, writes about young people leading the fight for climate justice.

Protecting the grass under elephants

To mark International Day of Rural Women, Fletcher Simwaka, communications officer at ActionAid Malawi, makes the case for a strong, gender-just binding UN treaty to ensure transnational companies

Conservation or land grabbing? The case of Mbulia Group Ranch

Sometimes, conservation can be used as a cover for landgrabbing. This story, of the Mbulia Group Ranch in Kenya, is an example of how this can happen.

Trade deal negotiations must be paused during the Covid-19 crisis

ActionAid and hundreds of other organisations have called for trade deal talks to be suspended during the Covid-19 crisis. This post explores why.

How Shell is devastating the Niger Delta

As Shell faces climate charges in Dutch court, activists in the Niger Delta speak out about the fossil fuel giant’s devastating impact on their communities.

ActionAid’s Five Climate Justice Benchmarks for COP28

ActionAid’s expert spokespeople and youth activists from the Global South are available for interviews,
briefings, and commentary throughout COP28.

The wrong model for resilience

The G7-backed African Risk Capacity (ARC) drought insurance policy was an experiment that failed Malawi, and in particular its women, in the face of a drought that need not have become a disaster. The

ActionAid demands #ClimateJusticeNow

ActionAid believes firmly in climate justice. In September 2019 we are mobilising in order to fight for climate justice for all. This page includes the resources and information we are using in