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Shell’s net zero climate plans need land up to three times the size of the Netherlands for carbon offsets

As Royal Dutch Shell’s shareholders meet in The Hague for their annual general meeting, new analysis by ActionAid International exposes the fossil fuel giant’s net zero climate plans to keep polluting

Shell climate case: Dutch judge has historic opportunity to ensure the fossil fuel giant cuts its emissions

ActionAid is one of seven environmental and human rights organisations, led by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, taking legal action against Shell to demand it reduces its emissions in line with

Victory against Shell: Judge forces polluter to cut its CO2 emissions

n a historic win for people and the planet, a judge in the Netherlands has ruled that the fossil fuel giant Shell must cut its CO2 emissions net 45% by 2030.

UN climate negotiations must ensure COP26 does not widen loopholes on carbon markets

As governments meet for online UN climate negotiations ahead of COP26, ActionAid raises concerns that carbon markets could be used by polluters to continue ‘business as usual’ and fail to deliver the

G7: Climate finance must be about justice and reparations

As world leaders meet for the G7 Summit, ActionAid is calling on the world’s richest nations to meet their promise to deliver $100 billion a year* in climate finance through grants to help vulnerable

Shell appeal shows oil giant puts profits before people and planet

Shell’s decision to appeal against the ruling of a Dutch court that it must cut its emissions in line with global climate goals, shows the fossil fuel giant ‘prioritising its bottom line over people

Stark warning from IPCC shows the need for radical climate action

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) today releases the first instalment of its Sixth Assessment Report, ActionAid is calling for radical and transformative action to bring

ActionAid launches citizens’ campaign for a ban on fossil fuel advertising in Europe

ActionAid is joining more than twenty organisations in the first ever Europe-wide campaign calling for a ban on fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships in the European Union.

Five climate justice benchmarks for a successful COP26

ActionAid has identified five key climate justice benchmarks that must be met if the COP 26 climate summit is to be successful. Read more about them here.

COP26 week 1: All glitzy announcements and no real action

ActionAid International has summed up the first week of COP 26 as being all style and no substance. Read their our week one summary here.