Victory against Shell: Judge forces polluter to cut its CO2 emissions

The Hague, 26 May 2021 – In a historic win for people and the planet, a judge in the Netherlands has ruled that the fossil fuel giant Shell must cut its CO2 emissions net 45% by 2030.
ActionAid is one of seven environmental and human rights organisations, led by Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie), and 17,000 co-plaintiffs, that took legal action against Shell.
Marit Maij, executive director of ActionAid Netherlands, says: “This historic ruling is a huge victory for communities in the Global South, particularly women and girls, who are being hardest hit by the climate crisis.
“The outcome sends a strong signal to polluters that they can no longer get away with wreaking damage on lives, and that change is on its way whether they like it or not.
“Big polluters beware. This landmark ruling now sets a precedent that corporations can be held liable for causing runaway climate change and forced to cut emissions in line with global climate goals.”
Today’s ruling is the first time in history that a judge has held a corporation liable for causing the climate crisis.
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