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Concerns over clampdown on civil society in Zambia as ActionAid chair detained without charge

ActionAid International is watching the situation closely after Partner Siabutuba, chair of ActionAid Zambia, was released from police custody after nearly a week of being held without charge.


Cox’s Bazar: ActionAid supports families fleeing devastating blaze

A large and devastating fire has broken out in the Cox’s Bazar Rohingya refugee camp, which is home to more than a million Rohingya refugees. 


Cox’s Bazar fire: ActionAid supports missing children to reunite with their families

ActionAid is working with partner agencies to coordinate the reunion of lost children in Cox’s Bazar with their parents, following the devastating fire that tore through the refugee camp. 


Governments must no longer ignore the soaring costs of the climate crisis in the global south

Harjeet Singh, ActionAid’s global lead on climate, says that "governments can no longer ignore the soaring costs of the climate crisis in the global south."


ActionAid warns 'net zero' targets create a false sense of climate progress

As energy ministers and business leaders meet at the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Net Zero Summit, ActionAid calls for real zero climate goals that radically reduce emissions and rapidly phase


ActionAid responds to horrifying levels of violence against civilians in Myanmar

Violence against peaceful protesters in Myanmar is intensifying. ActionAid is calling for an end to the violence and for the right to peaceful assembly to be protected.


Water crisis hits communities in southern Bangladesh

As world leaders gather for President Biden’s virtual climate summit this week, communities in southern Bangladesh – who are facing a severe water crisis – say climate action cannot wait for far-off


90% of young Europeans believe climate change and environmental breakdown are the world’s greatest threats

Nine out of 10 young Europeans believe climate change and environmental breakdown are the most serious threats facing the world today, according to a new campaign by ActionAid.

Biden’s new emissions target ‘deeply insufficient’ to tackle the climate crisis

ActionAid responds to today’s announcement from the Biden administration, previewing the US’ revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to cut emissions by around 50% by 2030. 

Banking sector net zero targets smokescreen for business as usual

As the banking and financial sectors announce new ‘net zero’ initiatives to coincide with this week’s US-hosted Leaders’ Climate Summit, ActionAid warns against accepting the pledges at face value.