ActionAid warns 'net zero' targets create a false sense of climate progress

As energy ministers and business leaders meet at the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Net Zero Summit, ActionAid calls for real zero climate goals that radically reduce emissions and rapidly phase out fossil fuels.
Teresa Anderson, climate policy coordinator at ActionAid International, says:
“Net zero pledges are creating a false sense of climate progress. Most of them rely heavily on carbon offsetting, unproven technologies and tree plantations so vast there isn’t enough land on earth to support them.
“The IEA’s projections of a massive scaling up of carbon capture and storage technology are pure fantasy. But without the fig leaf of these unicorn technologies, their plans are exposed as endorsing business-as-usual for the fossil fuel industry.
“Politicians and industries know these plans are dangerous and unrealistic. The term net zero is being used by corporations and governments as a smokescreen to keep polluting and profiting at all costs. Only targets that radically reduce emissions and rapidly phase out fossil fuels can help achieve global climate goals.”
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Notes to editors:
For more information about the IEA’s projections for carbon capture and storage under their sustainable development strategy, see page 4 of Oil Change International’s research Getting on Track for 1.5°C: