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International Labour Organisation C190 - anniversary webinar

To mark the one year anniversary of the adoption of ILO Convention 190: Violence and Harassment Convention, a webinar entitled "The World of Work is Changing! Why ILO C190 Matters More Than Ever" was

Don’t cut women’s lifelines, warns ActionAid

A new report by ActionAid shows that gender-based violence (GBV) is skyrocketing during the Covid-19 pandemic. Published in June 2020.


International development and the next EU budget

This ActionAid paper examines the need for the next EU budget to take into account the needs of international development. Published in July 2020.


Smallholder farmers must benefit from Covid-19 bailouts

As the UN's SOFI report on global food insecurity finds 680 million people are suffering from hunger, ActionAid warns that farmers must be recognised and supported as frontline workers to ensure

Action for Global Justice in Practice

This resource book Action for Global Justice in Practice 2020 articulates ActionAid’s human rights based approach (HRBA). It is a fully revised and updated version of People’s Action in Practice which

Publication /

Joint agency report: Humanitarian Funding, Partnerships and Coordination in the COVID-19 crisis

This paper, produced by ActionAid and other NGOs, summarises our findings and recommendations on direct and indirect funding via international intermediary organisations (including UN agencies and


Khardiata Ndoye Pouye

Khardiata Ndoye Pouye is a Women’s Rights Officer at ActionAid Senegal and today marks exactly one month since the Senegalese lockdown has been lifted.


“These Senegalese women are helping those most in need, against all odds.”

Today marks exactly one month since the Senegalese lockdown lifted. Here Khardiata Ndoye Pouye who is a Women’s Rights Officer at ActionAid Senegal reflects on her experience of the pandemic and the


ActionAid International 2019 Annual Report

This edition of the ActionAid International Annual Report provides an overview of our federation's work during 2019.


ActionAid responds to the devastating blast in Beirut

ActionAid responds to the horrific explosion in Beirut. With over 100 people dead, and the death toll expected to rise, thousands more people injured and devastating damage to the capital city that