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World leaders land at COP25 as Africa faces climate and food crises

This is ActionAid's press statement on the opening of the COP25 climate negotiations in Madrid in December 2019.

COP25: Woman farmer from Malawi speaks out against use of chemical fertilisers

COP25: Woman farmer from Malawi speaks out against use of chemical fertilisers

How women first-responders saved lives during Cyclone Bulbul

As Cyclone Bulbul hurtled towards the coastlines of India and Bangladesh, Sabita Rani and Hawa Begum were warning their communities about the fast-approaching storm and helping people to reach local

COP25: Developed countries continue to block loss and damage fund

Madrid, 06 December 2019 – As the UN climate conference (COP25) rolls into week two, progress on finance for the ‘loss and damage’ caused by climate change continues to be blocked by developed

In climate talks, rich countries are getting away with murder

This piece is by Brandon Wu, Director of Policy and Campaigns, ActionAid USA and is based on his contribution to a panel event at the UN climate conference in Madrid, exploring the limitations and

COP25: Developing countries must ‘stay strong’ in loss and damage negotiations

Madrid, 11 December 2019 – ActionAid raises concerns that midway through the second week of UN climate talks, proposals for supporting survivors of climate disasters are being watered down. 

Opinion /

Climate survivors must be heard in global demands for climate action  

Our world is heating faster than ever before, with this summer on track to become the hottest ever. But this isn’t a heatwave, it’s a climate emergency. 

ActionAid demands #ClimateJusticeNow

ActionAid believes firmly in climate justice. In September 2019 we are mobilising in order to fight for climate justice for all. This page includes the resources and information we are using in

Surviving climate change – Hilda’s story

This is the story of Hilda. Hilda lives in rural Zimbabwe and her community was devastated by Cyclone Idai. Read about how Hilda worked to rebuild her community and watch her short video.

Surviving climate change - Elizabeth's story

Elizabeth Ebei is a climate change survivor. Climate change in the rural region of Isiolo in central Kenya, is making farming unbearable. The rains have become erratic. Strong winds are constantly