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India Covid crisis: Vulnerable frontline workers hit hard by virus

As India battles a devastating second wave of Covid-19, frontline workers including those working in overwhelmed mortuaries and burial sites, and women domestic workers caring for people with the

ActionAid responds to UN report on land and climate change

On 8 August 2019 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published its landmark report on land use and climate. This is ActionAid's response.

Violence is not part of the job

ActionAid and partners are calling on ILO member states to urgently ratify and bring into force new global legislation to end violence and harassment at work. Read our joint statement on this page.

Team Trump must not be allowed to derail progress towards preventing climate catastrophe

ActionAid responds as the U.S adminstration hosts a side event at the UN climate summit in Katowice, Poland, to promote the use of 'clean' coal and natural gas.

COP24: Governments fail to agree on measures to prevent catastrophic climate change

UN climate negotiations in Poland have lacked the ambition and cooperation needed to agree crucial measures to avert catastrophic climate change.


Asian organisations unite in call for a People's Vaccine

More than 150 local and international NGOs and human rights organisations and campaigners across Asia have signed a joint letter to Asian leaders and health ministers, calling for improved access to


ActionAid responds after Biden backs a waiver on IP for Covid-19 vaccines

ActionAid International responds to the announcement from the US President Joe Biden backing a waiver on Intellectual Property for US manufacturers of Covid-19 vaccines ahead of the G7 leaders’ summit

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Nepal Covid crisis: ‘Our gravest fears are turning into reality’

As Nepal reports an alarming rise in Covid-19 cases and its highest daily total of new infections, ActionAid is calling for urgent support for the country’s overwhelmed health service.  

ActionAid condemns the escalating violence in oPt and calls for an immediate end to forced evictions

ActionAid Palestine is deeply concerned over escalating violence and the violation of Palestinian rights across the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt).

Gaza violence: Civilians must be protected from further death and destruction

As violence continues to escalate in Gaza, women and children are most at risk as Israeli airstrikes destroy apartment buildings and leave thousands of families homeless.