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Shattered dreams, scarred minds: Two years of war takes a heavy toll on Ukrainians' mental health 

Two years since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, psychological scars run deep, threatening to cripple a generation’s dreams and aspirations.

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Fund our Future for a Just World

This World Environment Day, ActionAid organised mobilisations around the world to call for a feminist, just transition to a world free of fossil fuels and industrial agriculture. 

ActionAid: We must come together to ensure a safe return for Rohingya refugees

The Rohingya people have now been displaced from their homes in Myanmar for five years, with almost a million of them living in refugee camps in Bangladesh. The majority of Rohingya refugees in

Financing development - stop dodging the big issues

Lars Koch, Policy Director, ActionAid Denmark has written this blog post about the effective ways to finance international development.

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UNRWA Funding Cuts: A Death Sentence for Palestinians in Gaza and Region

ActionAid, as an organisation currently providing relief and support in Gaza and the wider region, is deeply alarmed and concerned by the decision of some of the world's wealthiest nations to suspend

Guatemalan president must reverse amnesty proposal for perpetrators of crimes against humanity

The Guatemalan government’s proposal is to grant a total amnesty for war criminals previously convicted for crimes against humanity during the armed conflict of the 1980s in the Central American

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Covid-19 vaccines must be free and accessible to people in the Global South

Money and profit shouldn’t determine who has access to treatment, and there are other, better ways to ensure everyone has a route out of this crisis. ActionAid is supporting calls for a People’s

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As Israel celebrates Independence Day, the US and European Union are complicit in the whitewash of war crimes against Palestinian civilians

World leaders continue to turn a blind eye to Israel’s unlawful occupation, protracted blockade and persistent breaches of international law.

93% of countries most vulnerable to climate disasters are either in or at significant risk of debt distress, new research by ActionAid International shows

New research by humanitarian organisation, ActionAid International, has revealed a shocking 93% of countries at the forefront of climate disasters are drowning in debt. The organisation is calling for