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What's #HerStory?

From an early age, Mehuba, from Ethiopia, was forced to work by her father. Today, she is a successful business owner and creates jobs for other women. Mehuba's story clearly illustrates the drivers

World Day Against Child Labour: How ActionAid is Fighting Back on Child Labour

In 2020, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimated that approximately 160 million children worldwide were trapped in child labour with 79 million of these performing hazardous forms of


Strengthening urban resilience in African cities: Understanding and addressing urban risk

The population of Africa’s cities is growing rapidly. But as poor people cram into towns and cities characterised by limited, weak and often under-resourced infrastructure, they are increasingly


“These Senegalese women are helping those most in need, against all odds.”

Today marks exactly one month since the Senegalese lockdown lifted. Here Khardiata Ndoye Pouye who is a Women’s Rights Officer at ActionAid Senegal reflects on her experience of the pandemic and the

Employment is only fair when the work is decent  

Domestic work is the backbone of many societies. Cleaning, housekeeping, looking after the sick and elderly, cooking and childminding are a few of the many personal roles domestic workers perform


Our funding

This page provide information about ActionAid International's donors and funding.

Has gender equality been put into lockdown?

Covid-19 has altered the lives of women and men worldwide. In lockdown, we became teachers, nurses, cooks and caregivers, all at the same time. This has not only affected parents and adults, but young

New report exposes the extent of IMF’s ‘pink washing’

New report exposes the extent of IMF’s ‘pink washing’ and the devastating impact this is having on gender equality globally

Gender Responsive Public Services and Macro-Economic Policy in Ghana

Improving public services is vital to progress on the fulfilment of girls’ and women’s rights: to education, to health (including sexual and reproductive health services), to water and sanitation, to


Annual report 2015

This year women and men living in poverty continued to mobilise for their rights despite the volatile mix of disasters, militarism, conflict and economic displacement that left many of the world’s