Progressive Taxation Briefings
Progressive taxation means higher tax rates for people who earn or have more wealth and is a clear example of progressivity. The briefings cover generally-regressive taxes that can and should be

Shrinking space in Zambia
Zambia has earned a reputation as one of the continent’s most stable democracies ever since it returned to multi-party rule almost 30 years ago. However, this tradition is now under serious threat

Guatemalan president must reverse amnesty proposal for perpetrators of crimes against humanity
The Guatemalan government’s proposal is to grant a total amnesty for war criminals previously convicted for crimes against humanity during the armed conflict of the 1980s in the Central American

We denounce the criminalisation of human rights defenders and require guarantees for Claudia Samayoa and Jorge Martínez
ActionAid International is deeply concerned to hear the news that our colleague Claudia Virginia Samayoa Pineda, a well-known defender of human rights in Guatemala, may be tried for criminal offences.
Statement in response to xenophobic attacks against migrants in South Africa
“A country that does not know its history cannot learn from its mistakes. The South African government’s continued failure to protect migrants from xenophobic attacks shows at best, a lack of
Youth, Gender and Social Protection primers
Social protection is intended to enable young people to expand their choices and enjoy their right to self-determination. The existing frameworks for social protection need to be radically changed if

Gender Responsive Public Services and Macro-Economic Policy in Ghana
Improving public services is vital to progress on the fulfilment of girls’ and women’s rights: to education, to health (including sexual and reproductive health services), to water and sanitation, to

The summons of the climate case against Shell, summarised
A short summary of the evidence and argumentation used and of Milieudefensie et al.’s demands, that Shell must contribute to achieving the global climate goal to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees.
Market mechanisms for loss and damage climate finance fail human rights test
ActionAid’s report, Market Solutions to help Climate Victims Fail Human Rights Test, examines the current options for market, state and ‘innovative’ funding mechanisms available to cover the soaring

Villagers in Zambia win right to take legal action against mining giant Vedanta in the UK
After more than a decade fighting for compensation, villagers in Chingola have won the right to pursue justice against the mining conglomerate Vedanta in the English courts, after a landmark ruling by