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Making Tax Work for Women's Rights

The fulfilment of women's rights is closely linked to how tax is raised and spent. While there is great potential for tax to bring about positive changes in women's lives, the way that tax policies

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An Extractive Affair

Malawi, the poorest country in the world, has lost out on US$43 million in revenue over the last six years, from a single company: the Australian mining company Paladin. This money has been lost

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Stemming the spills

Over the past decade, scandal after scandal has exposed how multinational companies use national tax systems to avoid paying tax in a third country.

Tax, privatisation and the right to education

This report brings together participatory research carried out in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and Pakistan as part of the Tax, Privatisation and Right to Education multi country project.

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Making tax work for girls’ education

Globally, there are 264 million primary and secondary age children and youth out of school. More girls than boys currently receive no primary education and many pupils in school in developing

Making tax work online
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World’s largest economies losing up to $32 billion in annual tax revenue from Silicon Valley’s top five tech companies

As G20 leaders meet tomorrow (21 May) for an extraordinary health summit to tackle the pandemic, new research from ActionAid International shows that G20 countries are facing a potential gap of US

Mona Desir is a nurse in Haiti who gives free treatment to those in need
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Mission Recovery: How big tech’s tax bill could kickstart a fairer economy

The world’s largest economies losing up to US$32 billion in annual tax revenue from Silicon Valley’s top five tech companies: Enough to vaccinate every human on earth.

Orji is an unpaid nurse and midwife in a local hospital with no water source, no electricity and no government funding.
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Fair tax systems are needed for a just and inclusive Covid recovery

The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic demonstrate the need for adequately funded public services, an inclusive and gender responsive Covid recovery and a just transition. Tax is the most sustainable

Umma is one of the 1196 children who received radios from ActionAid through the Tax and gender responsive public services project across Lagos and Sokoto in 2020 to facilitate continued learning after school closure due to covid.
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The ActionAid Tax Justice Reflection Action Toolkit

Our tax justice reflection action toolkit (TJ-RATK) is made to help empower communities to stand up for their rights.

Umma is one of the 1,196 children who received radios from ActionAid through the Tax and Gender Responsive Public Services project across Lagos and Sokoto, to facilitate continued learning after school closures due to Covid-19.
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G7: New digital tax rules ‘woefully inadequate’ to fund Covid-19 recovery

As G7 finance ministers meet to discuss proposals for new digital tax rules, ActionAid raises concerns that the plans could trigger a race to the bottom on corporate tax rates.  

The new rules for taxing the digital economy look woefully inadequate to meet the challenges ahead