Financing education
This page outlines the way that ActionAid works to finance education around the world.
ActionAid discussion paper on the EU carbon border adjustment
This ActionAid discussion paper seeks to analyse the possible consequences or benefits for developing countries of a carbon border adjustment (CBA) that would be levied on goods imported from outside

Supporting fair tax systems
This report looks at how countries in the global south can mobilise the needed revenues for investments to fight the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, save lives and protect people's livelihoods.
Leveraging tax transparency
Universal health care. Free childcare. Free education. These are what our taxes contribute to in Australia. Despite this, the issue of tax is highly politicised and often used to attack progressive

$2.8bn ‘tax gap’ exposed by ActionAid research reveals tip of the iceberg of ‘Big Tech’s big tax bill’ in the global south
New research from ActionAid International reveals that 20 developing countries could be missing out on as much as $2.8bn in tax revenue from Facebook, Alphabet Inc. (parent company of Google) and

How just three Big Tech companies could address nurse shortages in 20 poor countries by paying their fair share of corporate tax
New ActionAid research looked at Facebook, Alphabet Inc (the parent company of Google) and Microsoft and exposed a potential $2.8bn ‘tax gap’ which these three tech giants alone could be liable for in

Extractive Sector Taxation
This progressive tax policy briefing explores how countries can optimize revenues from mining, oil and gas resources, and curb potential revenue loss from extractive industries.

Progressive Taxation Briefings
Progressive taxation means higher tax rates for people who earn or have more wealth and is a clear example of progressivity. The briefings cover generally-regressive taxes that can and should be

Market mechanisms for loss and damage climate finance fail human rights test
ActionAid’s report, Market Solutions to help Climate Victims Fail Human Rights Test, examines the current options for market, state and ‘innovative’ funding mechanisms available to cover the soaring

How to achieve quality education for all and Leave No One Behind
We aim to show how progressive domestic resource mobilisation - collecting enough tax money and spending it right - is a sustainable way to finance free, quality public education for all, leaving no