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As rich countries shirk responsibility for the climate crisis, families in Malawi are boiling mangoes to survive

Chikondi Chabvuta, ActionAid’s regional humanitarian adviser for Southern Africa, reports on the food and climate crises devastating communities across Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Given, a smallholder woman farmer from Zambia stands in her field surrounded by dried maize plants destroyed by prolonged drought

Southern Africa food and climate crisis

More than nine million people in Southern Africa are facing severe food shortages.

Zimbabwe is experiencing its worst hunger crisis in more than a decade.

Never Give Up: the struggle for a birthright

This is the story of the Acholi people of Apaa, Uganda. They have routinely been displaced from their land and this is the story of their struggle for a land to call home.

The Apaa community triumphantly ends the month-long occupation

Conservation or land grabbing? The case of Mbulia Group Ranch

Sometimes, conservation can be used as a cover for landgrabbing. This story, of the Mbulia Group Ranch in Kenya, is an example of how this can happen.

James Mzungu shows a copy of the Title Deed acquired by Mbulia Group Ranch in 2006, more than 20 year after he had been living there.

The wrong model for resilience

The G7-backed African Risk Capacity (ARC) drought insurance policy was an experiment that failed Malawi, and in particular its women, in the face of a drought that need not have become a disaster. The


Manganese Matters

ActionAid and Dutch NGO Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)’s new report, Manganese Matters, finds that the increased demand for manganese for batteries is posing a serious threat

Matlhogonolo Mochware is a community activist for ActionAid partner Women Affected by Mining United in Action (WAMUA).

IPCC report presents a harrowing catalogue of climate impacts

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases its hard-hitting report on climate impacts, ActionAid is calling for a global system to support climate vulnerable countries to rebuild

Carcasses of livestock scatter the drought-ridden landscape in Garissa County, Kenya

Climate crisis fuels drought and severe hunger across East Africa

The climate crisis is fuelling one of the worst droughts on record across the Horn of Africa, with up to 13 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia facing severe hunger. Find out more about the

Carcasses of livestock scatter the drought-ridden landscape in Garissa County, Kenya

East Africa Food Crisis: Giro-Sumo IDP Camp

The Horn of Africa is facing one of the worst droughts on record with more than 20 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia facing severe hunger and water shortages. Global food prices had

Aerial photograph of Giro-Sumo IDP camp , Somaliland.

Aid workers on frontline of drought in East Africa respond to FCDO funding announcement

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in the UK has today announced £36 million in UK humanitarian funding to help people in Ukraine, East Africa and Syria. Countries in East Africa

Dead livestock found inside/outside the community of Ceel-Dheere, Somaliland.