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ActionAid hails loss and damage fund outcome at COP27 as victory for people living on the front lines of climate disasters

A decision at COP27 to establish a loss and damage fund for communities living on the front lines of climate disasters has been hailed a victory by climate justice organisation ActionAid. 


African leaders urged to mobilise debt strike

On the eve of G20 Finance Ministers grappling with the biggest economic crisis in generations, ActionAid is calling for unprecedented collective action from African leaders ahead of the International

Women disproportionately impacted by climate change must have their voices heard at COP27, says ActionAid International

On ‘Gender Day’ at COP27, ActionAid is calling on world leaders to put the voices of women and girls from the Global South living through the reality of the climate crisis at the heart of COP27


Innovation Dialogues

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Shifting Power: Learning from women's experiences and approaches to reducing inequality

Inequality is widespread and deepening, with the impact falling heavily on poor women who face a range of different intersecting challenges. Solutions are hotly debated by powerful decision makers in

Gender Responsive Public Services and Macro-Economic Policy in Ghana

Improving public services is vital to progress on the fulfilment of girls’ and women’s rights: to education, to health (including sexual and reproductive health services), to water and sanitation, to

Dozens of people are dead and hundreds are missing a few miles from the town of Pylos, in southwestern Greece

Javier Garcia, ActionAid International’s Head of Country Engagement and Transformation for Europe and Americas, said on migrant deaths off the coast of Pylos, Greece on 14 June 2023 

Publication /

Women's Leadership in Resilience

Changing weather patterns and rising temperatures are increasing the likelihood and severity of disasters, while the risks of violent conflict, human and animal epidemics, environmental degradation

Respecting, protecting, fulfilling the right to food in times of Covid-19

This post by Ruchi Tripathi, head of resilient livelihoods and climate justice, ActionAid International, looks at the systemic failures of the international economic system in relation to food