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Hotter Planet, Humanitarian Crisis

The world is currently enduring an unprecedented combination of climate-related crises. We are living through what will almost certainly be the hottest year on record, and have faced one of the


El Niño: The Silent Emergency

In April 2016, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien, alerted governments gathered in Geneva that they collectively faced “an alarming funding gap of over $2.2 billion” to

Doubly Devastating: Local communities disproportionately affected by food, fuel, and fertiliser price rises

The fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is being felt globally as disruption to supply from two of the world’s major exporters of wheat, maize, fuel and fertiliser is causing prices to soar.  


Shifting Power: Learning from women's experiences and approaches to reducing inequality

Inequality is widespread and deepening, with the impact falling heavily on poor women who face a range of different intersecting challenges. Solutions are hotly debated by powerful decision makers in

Gender Responsive Public Services and Macro-Economic Policy in Ghana

Improving public services is vital to progress on the fulfilment of girls’ and women’s rights: to education, to health (including sexual and reproductive health services), to water and sanitation, to

Publication /

Women's Leadership in Resilience

Changing weather patterns and rising temperatures are increasing the likelihood and severity of disasters, while the risks of violent conflict, human and animal epidemics, environmental degradation


People’s Power vs. Rising Inequality: Women stand together for change

As global inequalities rise, women continue to lose out - we know that eight men own as much as the poorest half of the world. ActionAid research introduces us to some of the women who make up this


Annual report 2017

In 2017 we began to implement our new 10-year Strategy 2028: Action for Global Justice which seeks to increase the collective impact we make on the big challenges that people living in poverty and

Covid-19: A women-led response

ActionAid research shows how lockdowns and coronavirus restrictions have unleashed a shocking surge in gender-based violence globally.

But while violence is rising, women’s shelters are being shut