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Pakistan floods - tens of millions affected in the blink of an eye

Floods in Pakistan continue to devastate communities, with over 30 million people affected, including almost 1000 dead.

ActionAid comments on the Africa Adaptation Summit

Commenting on the Africa Adaptation Summit taking place in Rotterdam on 5th September, Nils Mollema, Climate Justice Policy Advisor at ActionAid Netherlands, says:


ActionAid International 2021 Annual Report

This is a review of our work in 2021


Ban Fossil Fuel Advertising and Sponsorships Petition

Sign the petition to Ban Fossil Fuel Advertising and Sponsorships

50 Million People Trapped in Modern Slavery

A recent UN report ‘Global Estimates of Modern Slavery’ which shows that the number of people trapped in forced labour and forced marriage have increased significantly in the last five years to an

Make education an urgent global priority!

On 19th September 2022, for the first time ever, global leaders are gathering in New York for a summit focused only on education. The UN’s Transforming Education Summit is a recognition both of the

Press statement calling for David Malpass to be fired as head of the World Bank

ActionAid and other organisations campaigning for climate justice are calling for the World Bank’s President, David Malpass, to be removed from his position after he avoided questions from a

East Africa Food Crisis: Ceel-Giniseed

The impacts of the current drought can be deeply felt throughout Ceel-Giniseed. Since most residents are primarily farmers, they rely on selling their crops, such as onions, papaya, peppers, and

New report exposes the extent of IMF’s ‘pink washing’

New report exposes the extent of IMF’s ‘pink washing’ and the devastating impact this is having on gender equality globally

Millions of dollars set to be invested in developing an anti-racist public education system in Brazil

Today, it has been announced that 10 million dollars will be invested in a project aimed to transform systems and institutions that uphold racial inequities. 

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation selected the