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From floods and price spikes to agroecology: Martha’s story

ActionAid’s new and more detailed research has found that families are spending up to nine times what they paid almost 18 months ago for food, fuel, and fertilizer. While global prices have dropped by

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Statement on the armed attack on Kasese School 

On the night of Friday 16th June 2023, Lhubiriha Secondary School, in Southwestern border town of Mpondwe, Kasese district was attacked

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Big business’ windfall profits rocket to “obscene” $1 trillion a year amid cost-of-living crisis; Oxfam and ActionAid renew call for windfall taxes    

722 of the world’s biggest corporations together raked in over $1 trillion in windfall profits each year for the past two years amid soaring prices and interest rates, while billions of people are


ActionAid report: Food and fuel prices skyrocket up to tenfold in the world’s most marginalized communities since the war in Ukraine

The cost of food, fuel, and fertilizer in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities is continuing to escalate to crisis levels since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with families spending up to

Fighting for justice in the workplace

On the fourth anniversary of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (ILO C190), we are spotlighting ActionAid's incredible campaigning and fight for a world free from violence and harassment in

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ActionAid condemns Israeli Raids on Palestine’s Jenin Refugee Camp

ActionAid shares its grave concern and strong condemnation towards the Israeli military raids on Jenin refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank. Razmi Farook comments 'This violence must stop


ActionAid joins other NGOs to express concern at block to aid route to Syria 

In response to the failure of the UN Security Council to extend the authorisation of the humanitarian cross-border aid route to Syria, ActionAid has joined hundreds of other organisations to express

Nigerians trafficked to Ghana and forced to work as cyber-criminals for ruthless gangs

In 2022, the International Labour Organisation revealed that 50m people worldwide were trapped in forms of modern slavery. An increase of almost 10m since 2017.[i] 


ActionAid says Russia pulling out of Black Sea grain deal will further ‘exacerbate’ harsh situations in vulnerable countries

“It’s really alarming to see Russia pull out of the Black Sea grain deal. Global food prices have been declining in the last months and with it the cost of cereal, thanks very much to this initiative


The Human Costs of the Food Crisis: How Price Spikes are Wreaking Havoc Across the Globe

ActionAid’s new research finds that as the world faces an unprecedented cost of living crisis, local communities in the Global South are dealing with the consequences of severe price rises in food