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Smallholder farmers must benefit from Covid-19 bailouts

As the UN's SOFI report on global food insecurity finds 680 million people are suffering from hunger, ActionAid warns that farmers must be recognised and supported as frontline workers to ensure

COP26: Governments need to get on with making change not noise

On Nature Day at COP26, ActionAid responds as 45 countries including the UK pledge to protect biodiversity and cut emissions from agriculture. Read the response here.

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Cyclone Freddy: record-breaking destruction

What’s being investigated by some as a record breaking weather event, has to others caused horror and devastation. #Cyclone Freddy has affected over 1.5 million people in Mozambique, Malawi, and


COP26: It’s crunch time for governments to respond to the climate crisis

COP26: It’s crunch time for governments to respond to the climate crisis

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Charity delivers urgent medical care to survivors as reports of those injured reaches nearly 100,000 

ActionAid is responding to the aftermath of the Turkey Syria earthquake by providing medical support through mobile health units in northwest Syria. 

It’s reported that around 12,000 people in

New research: Blended finance for climate action - Good value for money?

During COP28 the issue of ‘blended finance’ for climate action was a major focus - particularly at the inaugural Business and Philanthropy Climate Forum. This event saw global funds – the Green

Pharmaceutical companies reaping immoral profits from Covid vaccines yet paying low tax rates

Moderna, BioNTech and Pfizer cashing in thanks to taxpayer investments, monopolies, and low taxes while leaving millions unprotected.


Women’s groups lead the fight against misinformation as Ebola returns to DRC

A network of local women’s groups, trained by ActionAid as emergency responders during the last Ebola outbreak, are working to prevent the spread of the deadly disease as it returns to the Democratic

New research: Local food and fuel prices more than triple in some of the world’s most at risk communities

The cost of food, fuel and fertiliser in some of the world’s poorest communities is soaring, with families spending double, triple and in some cases nearly four times what they were paying before

IPCC report presents a harrowing catalogue of climate impacts

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases its hard-hitting report on climate impacts, ActionAid is calling for a global system to support climate vulnerable countries to rebuild