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EU should adopt a human rights-based approach to migrants forced out of their countries by the climate crisis, ActionAid says

The European Union needs to strengthen protection policies for people moving in response to disasters, climate change, and environmental degradation, ActionAid has said.

Protecting the grass under elephants

To mark International Day of Rural Women, Fletcher Simwaka, communications officer at ActionAid Malawi, makes the case for a strong, gender-just binding UN treaty to ensure transnational companies

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Double tragedy for Syrian refugees with women and girls bearing the brunt of the earthquakes

ActionAid reports that the Turkey-Syria earthquakes have exacerbated the suffering of Syrian women who survived years of conflict, only to lose their temporary homes, neighbours and loved ones as well

Employment is only fair when the work is decent  

Domestic work is the backbone of many societies. Cleaning, housekeeping, looking after the sick and elderly, cooking and childminding are a few of the many personal roles domestic workers perform


ActionAid International welcomes Julia Sánchez as its new secretary general

ActionAid International welcomes Julia Sánchez as its new secretary general


IMF meetings fail to agree support to protect developing countries from COVID19

The virtual Spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and G20 finance ministers ended last week, having failed to deliver on the immediate cash injection needed to mitigate the looming

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World Teachers Day: Funding the right to quality, inclusive education

With schools across the world gradually re-opening after protracted closures due to Covid-19, the critical role of teachers in ensuring that all children are able to enjoy their fundamental right to


Shell climate case: What you need to know

On Wednesday (26 May), a judge in The Hague will deliver their verdict on the ground-breaking climate case against fossil fuel giant Shell.


ActionAid takes legal action against Shell

ActionAid is one of seven environmental and human rights organisations, including Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, taking legal action against Royal Dutch Shell for failing to align its growth

Nigerians trafficked to Ghana and forced to work as cyber-criminals for ruthless gangs

In 2022, the International Labour Organisation revealed that 50m people worldwide were trapped in forms of modern slavery. An increase of almost 10m since 2017.[i]